Special Events
Fellow Legionnaires,
Post 256 is pleased to announce that Dr. Curt Fields is returning for another "General U.S. Grant" presentation on October 19th. The attached flyer has the information to obtain tickets and the dinner for that evening.
We are again planning on having a Silent Auction at the event and need your assistance. We are asking for help approaching any business or company that you are familiar with that may be willing to donate an item for this event. Also attached is a letter and donation form for use by a business that contributes. The more that we can obtain, the more money we can raise to support veteran's in need in our area.
Space is limited! Therefore, reservations and ticket purchases are due NLT 5 Oct 23. If you wish to attend, please contact John Gamble at (860) 639-0987.
Yours in Patriotism,
Steve Buelow
American Legion Post 256
Post Web Site: www.tellicolakepost256.org